Mahindra 575 Tractor Sales In Tamilnadu
Category : Motor Vehicle
Model:2020 Owner:Single Owner Rate:5,75,000 Mobile No:9942573406 Location:Vazhapadi,Salem No. Of Cylinder:4 HP Category:45 HP PTO HP:39.8 HP Gear Box:8 Forward + 2 Reverse Brakes:Dry Disc Brakes/ Oil Immersed (Optional) Warranty:2000 Hours Or 2 Year
Mahindra YUVO 575 DI Sales In Tamilnadu
Category : Motor Vehicle
Model:2020-2021 Owner:Single Owner Running Hours:1000 Location:Virudhunagar Rate:5,55,000 Mobile No:9788245677 Engine HP:45 HP PTO HP:41.1 HP Wheel drive:2WD Forward Gears:12 Reverse Gears:3 Brake Type:Oil Immersed
Mahindra 575 Tractor Sales In Tamilnadu
Category : Motor Vehicle
Model:2011 Power Steering Oil Break Tractor,9 Cultivator,5 Cultivator,New Type Trailer Rate:5,50,000 Location:Tiruppur Mobile No:9025353310 No. Of Cylinder:4 HP Category:45 HP PTO HP:39.8 HP Gear Box:8 Forward + 2 Reverse Brakes:Dry Disc Brakes/ Oil Immersed (
Mahindra 575 Sales In Tamilnadu
Category : Agriculture
Model:2021 Registration:2023 Running Hours:98 Rate:6,55,000 Location:Paramathi,Velur Mobile No:9976659371 No. Of Cylinder:4 HP Category:45 HP PTO HP:39.8 HP Gear Box:8 Forward + 2 Reverse Brakes:Dry Disc Brakes/ Oil Immersed (Optional) Warranty:2000 Hours Or 2
Mahindra YUVO 575 DI Sales In Tamilnadu
Category : Agriculture
Model:2017 Owner:Single Owner Rate:4,25,000 Mobile No:7871747233 Place:Pudukkottai Engine HP:45 HP PTO HP:41.1 HP Wheel drive:2WD Forward Gears:12 Reverse Gears:3 Brake Type:Oil Immersed