Ad Details
Ad ID: 7529
Added: January 6, 2023
Sale Price: 325000 Rs
Condition: new
Location: India
State: Tamilnadu
City: Pudukkottai
Phone: 07871747233
Views: 393
Model: 2015
Registration: 2016
Rate: 325000
The single-cylinder engine produced 11.8 kW (16 hp). The Eicher ED 16/I was the world’s first tractor with an air-cooled diesel engine. The air-cooled engines should be a badge of Eicher Tractors later.
This is the best brand and their tractor demand is additionally extremely high on the market with the second position in the tractor industry after Mahindra Tractors. Eicher supplies tractors going from 18 hp to 60 hp range.